Pieces Of Me

Casa Yaya was born out of a promise I made to myself when I sold my home after my divorce, which was that I will make another home for my family and it will be all my own. All I had to do was think about the smug look on my mediator’s face when he said there’s no way I’ll ever be able to afford a house alone to get myself fired up. I bargained, hustled and worked myself to the bone and did it! I bought a house for myself, my three kids, my dog, and my cat, and I did it all alone, through blood (I'm an RN so often not my own), sweat (definitely) and tears (so many tears). But I did it. The mediator was sacked of course.
By the time I paid the bank, the divorce lawyer, and the long line of vultures waiting to tax your accomplishments, I had very little left to follow through the second part of the promise, which was to make this house my home, exactly how I wanted it. So I thrifted and bargain hunted and started selling some of my finds to supplement my income, and every piece brought me closer to home. However, what started as simply furnishing and decorating a home became a rescue mission. I couldn’t stand seeing those beautiful pieces in their neglected, forgotten, and cast away state and so I kept bringing them home, cleaning, polishing, and restoring them to their glory. What I see now, is that with every piece I saved and sold, or saved and kept, I felt a piece of me restored as well, and I wasn’t ready to stop because like my vintage pieces, my story’s nowhere near finished and I really like where it’s going.
While I absolutely love vintage, I believe in a good balance and practicality (everything is relative…). Some items are just best, easiest, and most cost effective to buy new, which was the natural next step: finding pieces that like my vintage items, tell a story, give a vibe, and ooze personality and style for a wide budget range because everybody deserves to live in a home that tells their story and wear the fashion that screams their personality. My name is Aya. Welcome to my Casa, I hope it can be part of yours!
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